Sunday, April 11, 2010


When I was in high school, I told myself that I'll earn my first million before I reach 25 years old. I'm now 29. My biggest mistake was that I didn't have a clear plan on how I was going to do it. I always thought that positive thinking would lead me towards that path.

With inflation, this first million goal is small. But it's not any easier to achieve. I just need to get passed that goal and learn everything I can in the process. This would provide me the competence and also the capital to reach that elusive financial stability.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I had this idea in my head to create another blog solely to document my attempts on how to become financially secure. Hopefully this will be successful and will end up with me having a stable business.

I didn't want to lose anytime in making the blog. I came home from work, set up a new blog, now I'm to sleepy to actually type all of the ideas I had. I just hope that this is not a sign of how this endeavor will turn out, with me procrastinating.